
Trade Show Training: Wednesday, November 11th

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Trade Show Training
November 11th
6:30pm to 7:30pm

Time Commitment: After training, 3 - 8 hour shifts available throughout the year. Each event is different and flexible, so let us know what works for you!

Once a year, we offer this training to those of you who enjoy getting out in the community and connecting with people at events. We go to Trade Shows, Fix-It-Fairs, Sunday Parkways, Environmental Expos and many other community events. Tabling at these events is all about building connections and sharing your experience with, and knowledge of, The Rebuilding Center. We have a great line-up of community events on the schedule and look forward to involving all of you in the community outreach and information sharing. 

You will receive an email reminder 24 hrs prior the the event. Sign up below:

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