Day of Service 2020: Lending a Hand

Teaming up for the fifth annual Day of Service, the ReBuilding Center and the African American Alliance for Home Ownership (AAAH) came together with volunteers to provide home repairs to a long-time homeowner in Northeast Portland. Although we were not able to serve as many homeowners as previous years, the day was just as meaningful.

Over the past few decades, the Boise neighborhood of North Portland—part of the historic heart of Portland’s Black community in the broader Albina neighborhood—has seen drastic changes to its population due in part to rising home prices and property taxes, resulting in displacement of many of the neighborhood’s Black homeowners. Surrounding neighborhoods have experienced similar changes.

The ReBuilding Center’s mission is to build community resilience by making affordable reclaimed home improvement materials and repair skills accessible to all, so people can afford to sustainably repair their homes. AAAH’s goal is help ensure home retention for existing African American homeowners in the Interstate Corridor. The Day of Service compliments the goals and missions of both organizations by providing critical home repairs to long-time homeowners in Northeast Portland, helping them continue to live safely and comfortably in their own homes. This year, we were able to serve Annie, a homeowner in Northeast Portland. Repairs included removal and repair of staircases and overgrown yard debris clean-up. While tasks were relatively small, they make a huge difference.

Annie and her son, Michael.

Annie and her son, Michael.

Annie has lived in her Northeast Portland home for over 50 years. She has raised two children in the home, and now lives there with her husband, Ross. Annie is 96 years old and grew up in a small town outside of Houston, Texas. Annie is a lover of stories, and spent some time reflecting on her experience growing up in the South and being a Black woman living in Portland. The common thread of her stories is one of heart and resilience. Annie has spent her retired life volunteering for organizations, such as Self Enhancement, Inc., and attends church regularly. She looks forward to returning to these activities once it is safe to do so.

Year after year, the Day of Service exceeds our expectations of what can be accomplished in one big day of repairs and community building. A huge thank you to every volunteer and organization involved this year. The 2020 Day of Service was sponsored by Consolidated Community Credit Union.

And finally, check out more photos from the day!

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