Reuse - The First Piece of the Puzzle

At ReBuilding Center, our materials re-vision the past into a piece of tomorrow. When we choose to donate rather than discard, when we choose to renew rather than buy new, we choose to be part of a community of makers and sharers. EVERYONE is welcome, so we keep prices affordable, but the simple truth is that barriers to reuse remain.

Many love ReBuilding Center for the hunt, the serendipity of finding just the right thing that you didn’t know existed. But not all people have the time or resources to hop in the car in hope of finding what they need right now. They may be transit-dependent. Or work more than one job. Or care for children or elderly relatives.

EVERYONE deserves access to the affordable, high quality materials we aim to provide. We want to remove the barriers to reuse and extend a welcome to new neighbors who may not even know we are here. Over the next year, we will:

●      Renovate the store, making things EASIER to find,

●      Revise our donation standards, only accepting REUSABLE, reclaimed materials, because EVERYONE deserves QUALITY materials,

●      Offer FREE delivery to those who are transit-dependent,

●      Increase our online offerings, so that people will KNOW, not guess, what we have in stock,

●      And (if our dreams come true) DONATE materials to those who need them most and can least afford them.

This is the first piece of our ReBuilding for Justice Campaign. Over the next few weeks, we will lay out the rest and show you how they all fit together.

YOU and your support are the most important piece of all, because together is how we will build that better tomorrow.

Please consider joining us today by making a gift to our ReBuilding for Justice Campaign.

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