Resilience - the Fourth Piece of the Puzzle

Resilience (noun): the ability to become strong, healthy, or successful again after something bad happens (Merriam-Webster)

That “something bad” could be anything: a flooded basement, a record-setting heat wave, a pile of snow that makes your gutters fall off. We can help. Fundamentally, ReBuilding Center provides affordable reclaimed materials and home-repair classes so people can sustainably mend and improve their homes. But the ripple effects of this work strengthen our community’s resilience even further. 

When homes are renovated or deconstructed, we make sure affordable reclaimed materials remain in circulation, preserving unique historic resources and creating countless opportunities for mutual support.

Equipping people to do safe, affordable home repairs helps them retain their homes, which are powerful assets for building generational wealth

And keeping people in their homes maintains a neighborhood’s unique identity, cultivating a sense of place and network of valuable relationships that build resiliency for long-term residents.

To even further strengthen our ability to build community resilience, over the next year and with your support we aim to:

  • In addition to all the fantastic historic finds we currently offer, provide AFFORDABLE, CODE-COMPLIANT MATERIALS so people can maintain safe and healthy homes that pass inspection

  • Offer FREE DELIVERY for transit-dependent customers

  • Increase our FREE CLASSES to teach more people how do safe, affordable home repairs with reclaimed materials

  • Continue to employ 25+ people with good, green JOBS

This is the fourth piece of our ReBuilding for Justice Campaign. Over the next few weeks, we will lay out the rest and show you how they all fit together.

YOU and your support are the most important piece of all, because together is how we will build that better tomorrow.

Please consider joining us today by making a gift to our ReBuilding for Justice Campaign.

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